Dental Abscess Healing

Daryl recently had a cavity that had decay, form into a massive abscess, which included extreme swelling of his left cheek.

We are already living a mostly Nourishing-Traditions (soaking nuts, eating a LOT of fermented goodies)/paleo lifestyle, but it is not as diligent as I like. We may go a week or so without having a cup of nourishing bone stock. We may hit and miss with the cod liver oil. Sometimes I don’t change up my ferments at meals as often as I would like. Maybe every few weeks, we will oil pull.
I knew that we needed to become consistent to save not only his tooth, but potentially his very life. I dug through as much information as I could about holistic dental care in the case of emergency, finding some gems, and decided I may need to order some gentle, holistic medicines. We discussed everything together, as I was going through information, and decided that if we saw no improvement within 48 hours, he would go into the dentist and have the tooth removed – not our favored option. Between a couple of sites and the Cure Tooth Decay book, I chose specific items.

Dr. Wolfe’s Homeopathic Dental Remedies
British Homeopathic Association – in the dentist’s chair

In the meanwhile of waiting for the order, he took homeopathic arnica we have had (I obtained this while pregnant with Stryder, in the rare event of hemorrhage)  for the swelling. It definitely helped, but we noticed the most improvement when he added large quantities of fermented garlic into his day and put in a poultice of chewed up plantain (my favorite botanical medicine). He began oil pulling three times a day.

As to the new-to-us homeopathic medicines, I ordered Hepar Sulph. and Silicea, after gauging what Daryl’s biggest needs were and factoring in what may be used for a broader scope of issues in the family later on, if need be. Finances are rather tight right now and I also did not want to pile on a multitude of medicines into his already taxed system, despite how gentle they are.

Before the homeopathic medicines arrive, we followed this advice for releasing an abscess from the gums, with no ill effects, but also nothing released, despite multiple incision points.

After 3 days of garlic, plantain, oil pulling, and some homeopathic remedies, the swelling was so diminished, it took a careful look over to notice any.
Daryl continues the healing tooth decay protocol diligently. I am hopeful of an even more positive update in the next few months!

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